So I'll try to simulate Tony's way of thinking and writing.
Your brain is hard wired to make you survive. It's made to make you fight or flight.
It's wired to find what's wrong with things. It's not made to make you happy. That is your job.
Failure itself is not a failure. You may fail once and learn from it to succeed in the future but Success without Fulfillment is the ultimate failure.
That is why we find successful people who have achieved all what they were looking for and still feel misery in their lives.
Even average people, when they put some goals and targets for their lives and then achieve them, they always look for what's wrong with them.
Think about it.
Did you always wanted that job or that car or that child?
Don't you remember how you thought it was like impossible and it was your best wish to get them?
What happens if you get that all?
When you get the job you were looking for you just take it for granted and then start looking for disadvantages and troubles in it.
When you marry that woman you always wanted to marry, instead of living happily ever after, you both start to find what's wrong with your each other.
When you have that child you dreamed of having, after a while you start thinking of troubles and headache he causes for you and you forget that it was your dream someday to have a child.
Same thing for a car ,a business or a dream house.
We only take those things for granted and start looking for troubles and problems. We forget the beauty and happiness those things would have given us in the past as we wished.
That is the law of familiarity. There is no such thing that will ever make you happy.
If you could't find happiness and fulfillment right now then any of those things will never make you happy and if you get them you will get used to them and then you are in deep trouble.
You always need to keep growing, learning and keep getting better everyday. Because if you don't grow you die. If you don't get better you get worse.
The true happiness is in progress. The true happiness comes from you feeling that you are getting better everyday.
Some people have dirt road to happiness and highways to misery.
You gotta divorce your own old story and marry the truth of your success.
Find your own passion and create your breakthrough.
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