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Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Talent Code: Unlocking the Secret of Skill in Sports, Art, Music, Math, and Just About Anything

I've just started reading this amazing book.
The Talent Code.

I've heard Tony Robbins recommending it on one of his podcasts.

Amazingly, this book deals with some subject I'm really concerning these days, neuroscience and neuroplasticity.

I was first introduced to neuroplasticity from the book The brain That Changes itself. I read about how neuroplasticity has helped many people with brain damage and injuries become better and make their way to partial or complete mental health.

This book is exactly what I've been looking for. Neuroplasticity for healthy people to become more productive and talented.

This amazing book I've just started reading by the end of 2016. I hope I finish it before the start of 2017. Even with not being able to end it before the start of 2017, it's a good book to start the year with.

The Myelin, the main subject this book is targeting, that little component of the brain responsible for the skills and talents we acquire through our lives.

When you continue reading this book, you find explanation for all Phenomenon around you. From historic skilled icons to current skilled celebrities in the world. And even about skills you acquire yourself, you find explanation for them all.

The book introduces you to the process of generating and growing Myelin. It also mentions the factors speeding its creation.

For example, it's grown by repetitive practice of a certain skill. And this growing process is speeded by deep practice. This term defines the process of performing the skill in a certain way of repetition, passion, observing faults, corrective actions and repeating again.

I guess your way of looking at the world will not be the same after you start reading this book because your brain will never be the same at all.

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