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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Moonwalking with Einstein Book Review

I've just finished reading this wonderful book.

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything

Writer : Joshua Foer

You can get it from 

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The book is written by a journalist who has been specialized in science news.

He has been writing about the US Memory Championship and the World Memory Championship.

He has been amazed by the contestants abilities that seed super human to him as he first saw them in from of his eyes.

Those contestants who could memorize hundred of playing cards in a matter of half an hour.

Long raws of digital binary number could be memorized in less than an hour.

And many other examples that seemed to be freaking talents that those humans has been born possessing them in their minds.

After asking those contestants how they could do their magic their answer was astonishing for him.

Their answer was simply that they has been for long time as normal as all the other people on the planet and that they used to forget where the had put their key chain - just as the writer did - but they only have been acquiring those skills during hard and long training periods of time.

The writer has asked them to tell him how he could train his brain to have the same memorizing abilities as they are.

They have felt that he was excited and so serious about it and they told him all of their secret recipes.

The writer has been training for a whole year and has ended up participating in The US Memory Championship.

For his surprise, he has won the championship. He has proven by an indefinite evident that with committed training of mind you can remember anything you want.

Skills And Memory Facts

The writer had mentioned Tony Buzan and his contributions to the Memory Championship. Tony has been writing books and giving courses and lectures about memorization techniques. He has been always saying that the brain is just like a muscle that you need to continuously keep training so you can keep it in shape.

You must use your own natural memory to keep it from the feeling of forgetfulness.

The writer has been comprehensively explaining the art of memorizing and the ancient techniques of memory enhancement.

The Memory Palace

The major memory technique is The Memory Palace which states that for remembering anything you need to associate this thing to a visual picture of a certain place you know.

He gave some examples from his life like a To-Do or shopping list.

You can remember all their items by associating these items with places of your home.

The Memory Palace technique is an ancient memorization technique that The Romans has mastered to remember their books and their creations before the written language has been widely used.

Actually this technique may look simple or familiar to many of us but it is the key to all other techniques.

At the end, you can be 100% sure that if you regularly spend enough time to train your brain to memorize stuff, your memory can be enhanced to a level that you have never thought possible.

Though some of the memorization applications in The Memory Championship may not be useful in daily life - something like remembering 300 playing cards or 3000 binary digits - but you can get the useful concept of the book as I did by starting to use your memory as a training technique. This training will change the way you remember things. This is also mentioned in the book from the point of view of Neuroplasticity.

A branch of the Neuroscience that studies how our brains change at different stages of our lives.

This is a good book to read indeed.

You can get it from 

Amazon UK

Amazon DE

Amazon FR

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