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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Einstein and work passion

Today I had a completely new piece of information I got from Chris Guillebeau Born for This. In a chapter he mentioned the importance of following one’s passion but also to focus on what gets money for everyday life and paying the bills. In this chapter he mentioned that Albert Einstein had been working as a clerk for patent office.

Einstein felt it’s a good thing that he keeps his routine job that gets him the cash that enables him to focus on what really matters to him and loves the most ( that Relativity thing ).
You can keep your daily job as a mean for getting a constant and reliable source of income while keeping your eyes on your passion in practical aspects.

Making a schedule for regular practicing of your passion is a good starting point.
You must keep time for yourself and keep it as a ritual. Scheduling that time and linking it with a simple doable action that supports your overall target to your passion.

Improving your skills as working towards making them inevitable is not an option.
Reading books, taking courses or even watching useful videos concerning your passion is a good source of information.
Also, the regular scheduled practice routine makes skills improvement automatic.

Scheduling definitely makes things possible and doable. Simplicity makes your brain do it spontaneously. Simplicity means splitting big targets into small easy tasks.
Scheduling is mainly linking those simple tasks with some other habit you already do effortlessly or linking them with something that definitely happens (i.e. Sunset or when it’s 2 o’clock)

The idea has made my day. 

I know many writers who write about entrepreneurship and making business as a side hustle who agree with this point.
Where you can keep your daily job and have fun practicing your true inner passion. But when you see that Einstein himself have done it, that’s a brand new headline.

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