What can make you feel motivated everyday?
The most important factor of making learning efficient is fast feedback.
Feedback makes learning not only efficient, but it also makes it fun and joyful.
Efficiency comes from making the learning process as close as possible to the deliberate practice.
As you become focused and get clear results from your work here is how you are deliberately practicing.
Also, getting quick feedback engages your mind and soul into the famous State of Flow.
Coined by the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the term Flow in psychology refers to the state in which the human is so immersed and his mind is engaged that he is doing something interesting while holding complete attention to it.
Action-Reward relation doesn’t necessary mean that the feedback must be a reward all the time.
Sometimes the feedback is in the form of fault isolation or it might be even painful.
The reward doesn’t imply the gain or profit but might be an insight of what actually works and what doesn’t.
This process is the core component of all effective learning strategies.
In fact, finding a mental representation of Action-Reward correlation is the valuable wisdom gained from experience of long passage of days and years.
Others might get that mental representation of correlation on later stages of life and get experience in fields like business or general professional skills.
Rice paddies and Chinese people - Lessons from Chinese Rice Paddies
Chinese culture is a good example of that correlation as a result of how it can enhance the life of individuals.Rice growing is a complex process. Rice paddies are not grown like other crops. They are actually built.
Rice paddies are found in China on mountains and are built with sophisticated irrigation systems and a precise control of soil fertilizers.
People needed to work as three thousand hours on the average to look after their rice.
Rice paddies business is completely autonomous from the farmer point of view.
Farmers are completely responsible of their own rice growing business and landlords are satisfied with fixed rate wages.
That’s because rice paddies cannot be built as the same way of corn or wheat growing by slaves.
Chinese culture of hard work
It’s embedded in Chinese culture that hard work is directly related to human success and prosperity.An old Chinese says: “No one who can rise before dawn three hundred sixty days a year fails to make his family rich.”
It can be easily notices that Chinese students in western universities have the ability to study hard and stay for long hours at the libraries.
There is an inherited belief in Japanese culture of continuous improvement that became their standard of quality.
And then it has been spread to the entire world as its word implies ‘Kaizen’ which means change for better through small steps.
Some people of eastern background think of this notice as a point of disregard or discrimination as a stereotype.
But it’s always appreciated to have the ability to work hard to find reward.
Encourage this relation in your little kids from their early says as this is a key point in their growth and learning throughout their lives.
Find your passion and work hard, smart and committed to it.
Thank you and check my books on Amazon.
Check out my books. Live happy. Live strong. And live with passion…..
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