Why are we so reluctant to change?
Why is it so hard for us to pursue something new as a change?Why people resist change even if it were for their own good?
Steady state is normal, change is abnormal
Bodies consist of billions of cells that maintain their states through a cellular process called ‘Homeostasis’.This process is responsible for keeping all cell conditions as constant as possible. Temperature, pressure, substances concentrations and energy consumption are all maintained by this process to be the same.
Our brains tend to maintain the same actions by the already built neural connections and networks.
Change is Unavoidable
Change is essential and is also unavoidable. Change must happen for things sooner or later. If things don’t change for the better they will change for worse.Even in body and mind. Homeostasis is a process to maintain steadiness but it causes change on the long run.
Suppose you run for a long range you are not regularly running. You notice that muscles of your leg start to feel pain. But what happen inside is that they use large amount of energy. Then cells start to build new energy generating bodies. The overall result is cell growth due to Homeostasis.
In the manner, brain –which is so reluctant to change-, adapts itself to any new situation or a new skill you are trying to master.
Think about driving your car for example. When you start to learn to learn how to drive, you were struggling and paying so much attention to the road and at the same time you wanted to give the correct push on the pedals but you and all the beginners may put a sudden maximum push on the gas pedal making the car jump or push the brakes suddenly that makes the car bounce.
You were watching all mirrors and trying to see other cars and all the pedestrians.
After you get acquainted with driving and you got familiar with your car you can get the sense of confident with driving.
Now you have optimized your push on pedals and you can even drive without looking at the mirrors.
Why all that has changed?
Your brain is the best servant and smartest computer ever existed.
Neuroplasticity in its simplest form
Uniqueness of our brain and its intelligence comes from its sophisticated neural structure. Different from any computer or processor, the human brain stores data, learn and master skills by altering its connections.Learning is Remembering
Your brain structure actually differs as you store new memory or learn new skill.Yes. Learning new skill, mastering an existing one or just remembering a memory is the process of building new connections or optimizing existing neural networks.
All those facts about body and the brain makes clear evident that change is unavoidable. Change can take place to the better or to worse.
Then it’s our mission to conduct our mind and body change into better states through better habits.
Your habits shape yourself
If you have the habit of eating more than your needs, your body will gain more weight through process of homeostasis as a way of storing substances.If you have the habit of watching TV and listen to useless material or news your brain will change to master those skills through Neuroplasticity.
That’s why we must use Homeostasis and Neuroplasticity for our own good. Here comes the importance of habits.
Your daily habits make who you are
Your own self who you know today is results of your tiny daily habits ten years ago. And your future self after ten years from now are the result of you daily habits you have today.Decisions shape your habits by converting the track of your actions from unconscious to mindful conscious actions.
Decisions are not just words you say but they are long time commitment to shape your habits even if they feel hard to change at the beginning.
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