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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Importance of coaching

I've always thought about the importance of coaching. Could it really be so important and significant that makes the coach receive a lot of money for one coaching session.

I couldn’t really understand the importance of having someone to tell you what to do.

In fact I thought that coaches have always had the function of technical training or else they would only be reminders of what you already know for sure.

That might be common knowledge but it's not common practice.

I then realized the most significant thing about coaching.

Image result for Importance of coaching

There are many reasons for this:

Delivering technical information that can make your life easier. You don't want to invent the wheel so it's better to get started from where the others have reached.

Providing real life example by getting in touch with the coach who has succeeded in the main target you want to reach.

Continuous follow up by the coach that will correct if you make errors and push when you stop and motivate if you feel lack of motivation.

Have fun.

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