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Friday, February 9, 2018

Searching for the ultimate writing machine

Searching for the ultimate writing machine

Have you always wondered how authors and writers are able to write columns, articles and books from their own minds?

The obvious idea is that those writes are getting words from their own minds and unique original thoughts.

But the actual fact is that they only get their words from rewriting information that they already know from other books, articles and writers.

Ernest Hemingway once said that the only way of writing is rewriting.

Endless Stream of Ideas
When you think of it, you realized that your head is a continuous generator of ideas. Some of them are good and some are bad. Some of these ideas are useful and can help others. Some of them are useless or only helps you or maybe not helping anybody.

You cannot find out what ideas worth writing and what don’t worth it. You must write them first. You can be amazed with your own idea when you see them written at later times.

You can also discover how your ideas can be useful to others who find them as answers to their questions.

You then find the need to continuously record your ideas.

I am always searching for ways to redcord my ideas efficinetky and as easy as possible.

I’ve tried many things. different keyboards, smartphones, tablets and speech recognition software.

I even thought of buying one of those old smart typewriting machines.

The best way of writing I discovered is typing on the normal keyboard. Although I need to try another keyboard layouts other than QWERTY keyboard layout.

I found that smartphones speech recognition is a lot more advanced than I thought it was.

In my way of searching for writing devices, I tried to attach a USB keyboard to android smartphone that supports OTG technology and it worked perfect.

I am working on a project to connect my phone that doesn’t support OTG to a normal keyboard using Arduino and Bluetooth.

My work on searching for a device that can record thoughts and terns them into text has didn’t come up  with any results.

Don’t forget to check my books on Amazon. And live with passion

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