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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Arduino stroboscope

This is going to be one of my to-do Arduino projects. I wanted to make this Arduino controlled stroboscope.

Stroboscope is a device which generates bright flashes of light for short intervals at selected frequencies.

When set to the right frequency, it produces an optical illusion to the human eye that some moving parts or devices are still.

For example, if you have a car wheel and you need to examine its rotation at high speeds. This can be done by a stroboscope that is set to flashing frequency that is equal to the wheel rotation speed. When the flashing time is equal to the rotation speed of the car wheel it seems that it has stopped.

When the flashing frequency is less that of rotation, then it looks as if it is rotating slowly.

When it’s flashing at a speed higher than that of wheel rotation it seems as if it’s rotating in the opposite direction.

The most important hardware component of the device is the illumination source(in most cases this would be a high brightness LED).

While the most important piece of software code is that part handling ON/OFF times.

Today I thought that I can use the PC as the frequency display and control for Arduino timing.

Communication between PC and Arduino can be done using serial() function.

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