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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Arduino Star Trails - How to shoot beautiful star trails with Arduino

Star Gazing is a hobby for many people. Watching stars at night can be a magnificent experience.

Star trails photography is a type of long exposure photography where photographer shoot photos of the stars while they are rotating in circles in the sky.

There rotation and long exposure create the circular effect in photos.

In this post we'll see how we can use Arduino to create beautiful star trail photos using relatively cheap equipment.

Components used

DSLR camera
Camera Remote Control


Arduino digital output is connected to NPN transistor to drive a relay.


This simple code is used to periodically trigger a relay to control the DSLR camera through its remote control

Remote Control:

Solder two wires to the two pads under the button.

Final step:

Combine photos together to create the star trail image using software at startrail.de.

Source: Makezine

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