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Monday, October 8, 2018

Mind to Matter - The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality

Just finished the book Mind to Matter. The book deals with some ideas from many disciplines of science.

It's about how the mind can form changes in real life around us.

Starting by changing the way we think and act, we can change our brains and bodies through positive thoughts.

Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality by [Church, Dawson]

Epegenetics is the branch of genetics that deals with how our genes can be formed by environment to make who we are.

It's the proof that we are not prisoners of our genes but we are also changed by our behavior and environment.

Neuroplasticity is the way our brains change by what we keep doing deliberately.

Thus we must keep focusing on our daily habits that can literally shape our brains and hence our whole life.

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