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Saturday, December 22, 2018

Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative

I’ve finished reading the book “Steal Like and Artist”.

The book isn’t about stealing as it may sound from the title. And it isn’t about copying or plagiarism as it may be thought of.

The book is about creativity and how you can boost your creativity with some steps. On top of those steps the step of fast starting. You don’t need to keep looking for something to do. Instead you need to start quickly.

Also you don’t have to wait for long time to be hundred percent original. You can start by trying to look like the public figure you want to become.

You cannot copy someone else’s work exactly but you can try to look like it if you can.

There is a difference between plagiarism, imitation, and emulation. Plagiarism is wrong; imitation is not good for you as a creative person. But you can start by emulating your favorite creative public figure and start to grow your own creative stream.

التعليقات :s

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