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Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything - Neil Pasricha. Book Review

I've just finished reading this book The Happiness Equation for Neil Pasricha.

I loved it very much. I also found it easy to read and backed by science in every chapter.

For example, I got one important insight I found from it. This one is about how we need to set goals that have intrinsic rather than goals those have extrinsic sources.

I've read about this thing before. I knew about studies that prove importance of intrinsic over extrinsic motivation.

This can be found in students or athletes who have their own reasons for success or for continuous training.

But the new insight I've got from the book is that when we aim to external source of motivation, we just miss the internal motivation.

For instance, when you do something purely for passion, you do your best in it without waiting to get paid for it.

But if you do this thing only for money, the whole meaning changes.

You must realize this. Even if you do something you already love but you are focusing on the external reward, you are letting this goal affects your true performance.

The author himself has mentioned this. He mentioned that when he started his first book, he didn't care about advertisement or website traffic.

But when he started to get real traffic, he stated to get anxious about more traffic, book deals and website ranking. All those things have represented distractions for him.

It's when you create something you love you do it with passion. But after a while you start looking for income sources, cash flow and invoices.

One good insight I got from this book: we always think that it's easier said than done, the reality is that it's easier done than said.

When you start doing, you get into the doing circle, you feel like you can do it, then you love doing it and then you continue doing it.

Now I started a new book, NLP For Dummies.

التعليقات :s

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