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Thursday, May 30, 2019

My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla Book Review

Today I've just finished reading this book My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla Book Review.

First I thought the book would be of a technical nature. But as read, I found that Tesla mentions his personal life with some technical examples of inventions and situations.

At the beginning of the book, Tesla mentions his older brother. And then he mentions his suffering with Synesthesia.

The the book continues to his education and readings.

It is worth to mention that Tesla viewed the way his parents had influenced his character.

He had mentioned many of his inventions. What I really want to know the real practical application for each one of his inventions.

It's the fact that this man has created many useful inventions, many of them are used today and many aren't know to most of us.

When you see those many ideas and applications you can really feel motivated to read about them all and know exactly how do they are used today.

Also there is in one part of the book he mentions the spiritual part of his life. This part is not clear.

One reason for this is the old language of the book and another reason is the mysterious nature of his character.

Anyway, the book is a quick guide for his life and inventions and it's worth to read.

Now that I've finished this book, I'll start a new book called Psycho Cybernetics.

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