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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Miracle Morning: The Not-so-obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life Before 8AM , Book by Hal Elrod - Quick Review

The Miracle Morning is a very inspiring book to read.

I've been so reluctant to read it at first because I thought to myself that it's only another self-help book that subjects the obvious thing of waking up early in the morning.

although i am a morning person and i really want to get up early everyday of my life, but my job and life style has kept me away from achieving this goal.

and that's the real reason behind me didn't start to read that book once i heard about it.

I love waking up early and i love good self help books so why couldn't i read it any way?

That's because i thought to myself that I won't be able  to practice it.

I actually work in a rotating shift and go to work in the morn g and in the middle of the night.

and that graveyard shift makes me feel so bad even if i sleep the day after it.

so i have been reluctant to read this book because i believed that it would be impossible for me to implement.

But after I read a lot of positive reviews on it in other books i decided to give it a try. decided to see what its message and see how to think about it as a normal person.

And I fount it so empowering.

the fact that you don't just need to get up early but you need to make time to work for yourself on each day of your life has touched my mind.

the idea that you need to practice the SAVERS on everyday is so brilliant.

And what time would be better to practice them better than the beginning of your new day?


I've always implemented the concept of everyday in my life, and that;s why it resonated with me,

and while you wake up early each day to practice the SAVERS, you have that motive for your life to wake up early and resist the temptation to have more sleep and to press snooze.

that charge of motivation that can make your everyday a very special day is life changing.

And I've tried many times to have a certain objective for my day to get up in the morning to practice, but after a while I leave it behind.

so i thought that this time is different. this time is having a purposeful targets to get up in the morning for them.

and fir the graveyard shift I found a chapter that mentioned people working on shifts like me. the author has mentioned that you don't need to have your miracle morning each day in the morning.

you can be flexible with that, but what you need to be committed to is the dedicated time to improve yourself.

I recommend this book for anyone who want to improve his life and change it from mediocrity to the next level.

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