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Monday, October 2, 2023

How to Build a Simple GPWS Using Arduino: A Step-by-Step Guide


Welcome to a new project of the AeroArduino. In this project, we'll explore how to create a straightforward Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) simulator using Arduino technology. Unlike traditional GPWS systems, we'll be utilizing an ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles and terrains, providing simple warnings through a buzzer.

Understanding GPWS and Its Components

GPWS Explained: Brief overview of how traditional GPWS works using data from radar altimeters and ADIRU.

Innovative Approach: Introducing the use of ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and terrains.

Components and Circuit Setup

Components Used:

Arduino Uno

Ultrasonic Sensor

Seven-Segment Display

Piezo Buzzer

Vibration Motor

Small Speaker

Circuit Connections:

Detailed explanation of how each component is connected to the Arduino Uno.

Explanation of pins used for power, ground, and signal connections.

Coding the GPWS Simulator

Using Code Blocks: Explanation of the code development process using Code Blocks based on MIT Code Blocks.

Code Explanation:

Breakdown of the code blocks used for setting up the LED display, configuring the ultrasonic sensor, and implementing conditional statements.

Detailed explanation of how the system determines valid detection ranges and triggers warnings.

Simulation and Testing on Tinkercad Simulation:

Step-by-step demonstration of the simulation setup in Tinkercad.

Highlighting scenarios where the system successfully detects obstacles within the valid range and triggers warnings.

Explore the Simulation: A link to the Tinkercad model for further exploration and testing.

Stay Updated: Encouragement to like, share, and subscribe for more exciting episodes from Aero Arduino.

Final Thoughts

Creating a GPWS simulator using Arduino technology opens up new possibilities in aviation education and training. By utilizing readily available components and innovative programming, enthusiasts and learners can delve into the world of aviation technology with hands-on experience. Happy tinkering!

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