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Monday, October 23, 2023

How to Make #Arduino T-Rex Dinosaur #game With #Tinkercad Arduino #Simulation #STEM #AeroArduino

Building the T-Rex Dinosaur Game: An Arduino Adventure

Hey Arduino enthusiasts and DIY makers! Today, I want to share a fantastic project that's bound to bring back some serious nostalgia - the T-Rex Dinosaur Game. You know, that endless runner game you've probably played on Google Chrome when your Wi-Fi decided to take a break? Well, guess what? We've managed to recreate this iconic game using Arduino and a 16x2 LCD display, and I'm here to guide you through the process!

Setting Up the Circuit

Let's kick things off with the hardware setup. We're using an Arduino Uno connected to a 16x2 LCD display. The connections involve a bit of pin magic - data pins, enable, register select pins, and a few others to ensure everything communicates smoothly. We've also integrated two push buttons for control, allowing you to navigate the game terrain.

The Code: Where the Magic Happens

Now, onto the heart of the project - the code. Don't worry if coding sounds intimidating; we've got you covered. The script initializes the LCD, creates custom characters for the dinosaur and obstacles, and sets up functions to handle user input, scores, and game over scenarios. It might sound complex, but trust me, once you break it down step by step, it becomes surprisingly manageable.

Let the Games Begin!

With the hardware and code all set up, it's time for the fun part - playing the game! Using the push buttons, you can control the T-Rex, guiding it over obstacles and scoring points. And when your game inevitably comes to an end, you even get to personalize it by entering your name. How cool is that?

Wrapping It Up

And there you have it, your very own T-Rex Dinosaur Game on Arduino and 16x2 LCD! The sense of achievement you'll get from seeing your creation come to life is simply unparalleled. If you're curious and eager to try it out yourself, you can find the detailed circuit connections and the code on our website.

I hope this project brings you as much joy and excitement as it brought us. If you dive into this Arduino adventure, be sure to share your experiences and high scores. And if you have any questions or get stuck along the way, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy coding, happy gaming, and most importantly, happy tinkering! Until next time, fellow makers!

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