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Monday, October 31, 2016

How to turn your blog into an eBook ?

الأحد 29 من محرم 1438 هـ    30 أكتوبر 2016 م

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة و السلام على رسول الله سيدنا محمد
صلى الله عليه وسلم


Yes, you can turn your blog ( or some articles from it ) into an eBook.

Many people - including me - want to write and publish their own books for fun , benefit and for cash too.

The problem that face all those people is that they think writing is a real hard thing. That is not the truth . It's only what they they think is true.

You may have a certain experience or skill that you want to share it with the whole world. But simply you feel that you are not good enough in expressing these stuff with your words.

How can you solve this problem ?

Why don't you try ? Remember. You don't have to keep yourself being silent anymore. Enough is Enough.

Writing is a skill that - as any other skill - can be developed by practice.

You must practice writing to be able to write.

Blogging can be a good environment for practicing this skill.

Since the dawn of blogging, bloggers wanted to share their ideas for fun and for profit and to act as if they were real writers. Blogging gave them all what they need.

It gave them space, environment, tools, marketing and audience.

Many blogger started blogging as a hobby for fun. And then it ended up with them with a real resource of income.

Many bloggers have made big audience that they could turn their blogs into books and/or TV series and Movies.

So that is how blogging can help grow new writers. And all that is for free. It only takes willing to learn this skill.

After bloggers turn into professional writes they find themselves in an urge to publish their own books. That's is what they have been dreaming of right from the beginning.

Now they find that they are so close to their dream and it can easily come true.

Now they know that they can write. Now they know that they have Audience. Now they know that they have something to say and people listen to them.

In the past weak I felt like I really MUST publish a book. It came to me like a very strong feeling that I can never get away from it. That day I have decided to publish my first book. That was my Dream.

I really felt I am so close.

I looked at my blog and said: If those people love this blog, I can give the book from its articles. It already has its own audience.

So I decided to publish my first book in English on Amazon through KDP Kindle Direct Publishing program.

Actually, there are many websites and platforms that can help you publish, host and sell your book.

Some of these websites are free ( they take percentage of book sales ).

And others take upfront before publishing your book and give you the sales revenue.

Some websites publish the books on their platforms and others publish them on other platforms.

I've chosen Amazon KDP because I found it easy to use, free without upfront payment and my book complies with its terms and conditions.

--- Start with book subject. You better focus on a single main topic.

--- Choose articles from your blog that has the same theme as your book.

--- Copy the chosen articles on your favorite word processor. ( Microsoft word, OpenOffice ,... )

--- Review the information in these articles and try to make them up to date of book publishing. Try to write dates that keeps history of information.

--- Use the spelling check feature in the word processor to correct any typos.

--- Write a table of contents

--- Write additional book content ( Introduction, Preface, Credits, About the author,... etc)

--- Choose the cover for your book. Keep in mind that the cover is the first thing that can make your book fly.

--- You can get some help from professional paid services ( Cover design, Professional editors, Proof readers ,... etc)

--- Amazon gets the book in HTML Filtered format.  So you need to save it in this format from your word processor. Them compress the file and images folder into zip format

Note that
Amazon can provide some paid professional services.

--- Now you can sign up and create you KDP author account.

--- Review the terms, conditions, format and cover requirements.

--- Fill in information ( Title, Authors, About, Book category )

--- Upload the desired book cover ( and you can use the cover design tool provided for free in KDP )

--- Upload the book in zip compressed format.

--- Choose type of royalty and price.

Note that you must have the right to publish this book before you can publish it. If it is already on the web, then you must prove that you are the copyright owner of it. It also can be part of Public Domain that you can publish.

--- KDP spell check tool works to check the book after it has been uploaded. Review and correct.

--- If you want to correct something, you have to upload the file again. Then press save and continue.

--- You can use the preview tool which can show you how your book looks like on Kindle, Tablet and Smart Phone.

--- If you are settled with your book right now and it looks great for you, it can be submitted for final review and publishing. Now check the box indicating that you agree to book submission.

--- Your book status is now changed from "Draft" to "Review" for up to 72 hours before being accepted and published.

--- If your book is accepted, status now has an ASIN. This is the number Amazon gives for books which don't have its own ISBN.

Yes, you may or may NOT have an ISBN for your book if you will publish it on Amazon. That's because Amazon gives it their own internal number ASIN.

However, you may want or have to get an ISBN if you want to publish your book in another website.

You can buy an ISBN online or from your local agent.

--- If every thing goes fine, you 'll get a congratulations message telling you that your book has been published and status changes to "Live".

You can see how easy to self publish a book these days. Start to publish your book right now.

Good luck.


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