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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Successful Motorized Paper Plane

I found this beautiful module that converts any paper plane into motorized smartphone controlled plane.

I thought that I can make a simple replication of it.

Here is was I came up with.

Check out the PowerUp 3.0 Smartphone Controlled Paper Plane
eBay US , eBay UK , eBay NL , eBay IT , eBay IE , eBay FR , eBay ES , eBay DE , eBay CH , eBay CA , eBay BE ,

Airframe :

Get the template from Powerup website and print it on A4 paper.

Follow folding instructions to get the final paper plane airframe.


Grill Stick

​Amazon US , ​Amazon CA , ​Amazon UK , ​Amazon DE , ​Amazon FR , ​Amazon ES , Amazon IT , Banggood

7mm Coreless DC Motor with propeller

3.7 Volt Li-Po (Lithium Polymer) Battery

Some wires


Cut the wooden grill stick to be the same length as the paper plane.

Use the other piece as the airframe stabilizer and tape it to the paper plane.

Use tape to fix the motor on the wooden grill stick.

Insert the stick inside the paper plane between the two wings and get the motor wires outside the wings.

Use tape to fix the battery on the paper plane near the middle of the airframe to adjust the center of gravity.

Connect the motor terminals to the battery terminals so that its rotation gives outward thrust (pushes the air) but leave one terminal unconnected (so that the motor doesn’t rotate immediately) 

As I made the previous set up and tested the paper plane, I found that it could not fly. It falls just after I give it a push.

Although the paper plane can slightly glide with the motor and battery onboard but not working. But for some reason, when I connect the motor to the battery, the motor thrust causes the paper plane unbalanced and tend to make a sudden Nose Up then stalls and falls.
I’ve tried to adjust the elevator on the paper plane as advised on the poweruptoys.com website.

I’ve tried adjusting the elevator to make the paper plane balanced in both ways (Nose Up and Nose Down) but didn’t help.

I was sure that the motor can lift itself and the battery. And I’ve made a quick check for this setup.

I connected the battery right to the grill stick using tape and connected the motor to the battery terminals to check how the motor thrust was doing.

My hypothesis was correct and the motor thrust has been able to left itself and the battery up.
But with no airframe or any means of control for the thrust and its direction or for stabilization, the motor tends to rotate carrying the stick and the battery.

But this is enough for me.

So I’ve decided to install the motor on the tip of the paper plane.

The original design used on poweruptoys.com makes the motor gives pushing thrust on the rear airframe.

What I made was installing the motor on the front of the paper plane and making it drag the airframe.

Of course I inverted the motor direction to make the direction of the thrust into pulling the paper plane.

Finally, it flies.

With elevator adjustment, the paper plane still could fly by its own.

The only drawback for this setup is I have no control over thrust nor direction.

But given that it's a super simple paper plane, I'm so happy with it.

I will post a video soon.

Check it out on instructables


Thank you for reading my post.

التعليقات :s

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