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Monday, February 18, 2019

Reality Is Not What It Seems - Carlo Rovelli Book Review

Einstein has sent four articles to the der - --- - which has been considered as the most important physics entity in the time.

The first article was about the proving the existence of atoms. It was proved by the Brownian movement in fluids.

When we notice the fluids as they move when we mix two fluids like water and milk together. Or when we notice the movement of dust particles moving in the air. We can see this type of movement.

This movement has made the prove for existence of atoms possible. Einstein also has calculated the radius of atoms from this movement.

The second paper was the stone for the Special Theory of Relativity.

And the third article was the seed for Quantum Mechanics. As Einstein concluded that light is made of photons of energy. And this what causes the photoelectric effect.

The fourth paper is the relation between matter and energy. The famous equation E = m.c2 

In this book, the author confirms one main idea. Which is in the heart of scientific thinking there must be a deep sense of uncertainty.

It's that doubt that motivates scientists to search and examine the unknown.

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