كل يوم أقوم بنشر معلومة مفيدة أو فكرة جديدة أو نشاط جديد أو ابتكار . ستجد معلومات عن القراءة والكتابة والابتكارات والرياضة والطبيعة والزراعة وكل ماهو مفيد وجديد . ستجد معلومات عن طائرات الكوادكوبتر ومكوناتها وأحدث التقنيات الجديدة فى هذا المجال. This is my outlet to the world. Here I put new post everyday.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

When your mind amazes you, be ready to be amazed

Today I’ve discovered something that has really amazed me. I’ve bought a new computer that has an English keyboard layout and doesn’t have Arabic letter printed on it.

First when I bought this computer, I didn’t bother about it a lot. I loved the keyboard button buttons and I thought I would get a virtual keyboard software to help me write in Arabic.

But today I wanted to write in Arabic on this new computer and I just started immediately. I just started that without thinking or remembering that my keyboard doesn’t have Arabic letters.

I only realized that after I already started typing on the keyboard.

I remembered this problem and thought that I would run the virtual keyboard. But what happened has just amazed me and made me eager to give it a try.

I found that my fingers knew positions of Arabic letters without looking at the physical keyboard.

Most writers can write without looking at the keyboard. I didn’t believe that I could be one of those people.

I’ve seen some progress in my typing speed and accuracy as days pass. But I couldn’t believe that I could fully type without looking at the keyboard.

And now this was the real test for me. As I started typing on the keyboard with letters other than that layout, I already have I realized how my brain amazed me.

At the beginning I couldn’t find all the letters accurately. But my feeling that I knew where the letters on the keyboard has encouraged me to continue and write all that I want.

Through trial and error, I could manage to complete the post I wanted to make, and I’ve been amazed.

The point here is that you can be amazed with what your own brain can do. Someday when you find that you can do something that you didn’t expect you could do, here when you’d be amazed.

Keep learning and practicing all the time. Just as you grow your muscles, Neuroplasticity will continue to shape your brain according to the skills you keep practicing.

Focus is the right word for success. You need to focus on the skill you need to master.

Keep doing and get ready to be amazed.

التعليقات :s

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