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Saturday, May 4, 2019

Brain Decoder - Neural Brian Interface That Translates Brain Signals into Synthesized Speech

A group of researchers in the University of California has demonstrated a new technology that can transform brain signals into synthesized speech signals using neural networks.

The new technology uses a simple concept that has been adapted in previous applications. This concept uses the signals going from the brain into auditory muscles to generate normal human voice.

Instead of directly converting brain signals into speech signals, they used neural networks after training them to interpret brain signals used to drive auditory muscles and how they could generate audible sound.

This technique requires invasive electrodes implanted into the skull to get more accurate signals with the required resolution.

When I find such innovations, I get some hope for finding The Ultimate Writing Machine that could be used to convert my brain signals into written words.

Your life is a story. It's your job to make it worth telling.

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