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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Neuro-linguistic Programming For Dummies: by Romilla Ready , Kate Burton

In this book, you can find all about the NLP techniques that make you understand how you are thinking, how you can handle your mind and how you can deal with others.

You can think of NLP as the practical manual for your brain.

How you can communicate with yourself and how you can communicate effectively with others.

An important concept I learned from the book is 'The Map Is Not The Territory'. It means that we all have that mental representation of the world around us. This mental representation is influenced by our previous experiences and believes. It's also augmented by our present needs.  That means that what we might know about something in the world is not what it is actually in reality.

While the book emphasizes the NLP concept of 'The Map is Not The Territory' it point to a clear fact that the brain makes spacial maps to everything including abstract concepts. The brain even builds internal maps for the concept of time.

There is a very important fact to keep in mind that the best skill you need to have to survive and to thrive is the ability to be flexible to all situations.

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